TSNY Is Now Permanently Virtual

As current and former students know, we have been offering exclusively virtual lessons throughout the pandemic. After months of feedback from parents and students, it is clear that remaining online will benefit students, tutors, and parents alike. As a result, we are excited to announce that Tutoring Service of New York will now be exclusively virtual, offering lessons online via Zoom to students throughout the tristate area and beyond.

There are numerous benefits students, parents, teachers, and tutors gain as a result of this decision, many of which we discuss in this post. We look forward to continuing to provide the best in test prep, subject tutoring, and academic support in the coming years. 

Online Lessons Help Students Achieve Their Best

The interactive tools available through Zoom allow students and tutors to work together in ways they simply can’t when meeting in person. Zoom’s screen sharing, white board, and annotative capabilities make it far superior to the materials available for in-person tutoring. Students will have the opportunity to write directly on the same board as their tutors. Tutors can make notes directly on virtual textbooks, which they can then share with their students. There’s no need to pass a book back and forth, or for the tutor to look over the student’s shoulder to evaluate their work. 

Students find essay writing easier working on a shared google doc, and sharing their screens all at the same time, rather than poring over a single piece of paper or screen. Moreover, tutors can provide  a wider variety of materials by seamlessly switching between their whiteboard, their virtual handouts, useful online resources, and more. Most importantly, students can work through material at their own pace because they can take screenshots of arithmetic, notes, and other resources to focus on later.

Greater Scheduling Flexibility 

Working virtually gives students the scheduling flexibility they need in order to get the most out of their tutors. Students get colds, family obligations arise, sports games get rescheduled—there are all sorts of reasons why a student may need to change their schedule. Meeting online means that lessons can be rescheduled more easily. Extra sessions before big tests become much easier to plan. New students, meanwhile, are more likely to be able to meet with the tutors of their choice. It no longer matters if a tutor has one lesson in Greenwich at 3:00, and another in Park Slope at 4:30—the tutor can work with both students at their desired times. 

Parents also benefit from this scheduling flexibility. When tutors meet with students in person, it is always necessary to have a parent or guardian present for the lesson. That isn’t the case for online sessions. That means parents, grandparents, and siblings no longer need to build their schedules around those of students or tutors. There is no need to clean up the house or clear off a table to make a workspace for the hour or two that the tutor will be present. Everyone can go about their business as usual. 

Saving You Money

Virtual learning doesn’t simply benefit our clients’ schedules, however—it also benefits their wallets! With in-person tutoring, students pay for more than their tutors’ expertise, preparation, and care. They also pay for travel, and travel time. If a tutor has a 90 minute lesson in Nassau County in the morning, and another in Westchester County in the afternoon, they are unlikely to have the time or energy to teach a third student. That means tutors have limited opportunities to work in a given day or week. As a result, students don’t just pay for the immediate cost of travel, they also pay for the opportunity cost of that travel. Tutors who work virtually don’t have to worry about that. They can schedule three students in a given day easily, meaning that clients no longer have to pay for lost earnings or travel costs. 

We are passing these savings on to you by dropping our prices. As our website and training materials emphasize, we never upsell, or upcharge. We are educators who care first and foremost about helping our students achieve their best, and providing value to parents and guardians who entrust us with their children’s academic success. It is only natural, then, that we would see this as an opportunity to further benefit our students and their families. You find out more about our new rates on our website or by getting in touch with us via email or phone, or by scheduling a free 30-minute consultation. 

Our tutors are as experienced and committed as ever, and we will continue to offer the same elite services we always have. Students can always count on their TSNY tutor to be a professional, engaged, and compassionate educator who will respond to any and all emails or calls within 24 hours. 

As always, you can schedule a free consultation, or reach out to us by phone or email to learn more about our services, approaches, and rates. You can also enroll in lessons directly on our website. We look forward to hearing from you! 

Andrew Stoughton